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Admission Process for Transfer Students

We welcome students who wish to transfer their studies from other higher education institutions. Below, you will find detailed information about the transfer application process, requirements, and selection criteria.

Application Deadlines

Any applications received after the deadline will be considered for the following semester.

Application Submission

Applicants must submit their transfer applications through the university’s online platform. The following documents are required in electronic format:

1. Passport or ID card
2. Academic transcript (from applicant’s current university)
3. High school/Lyceum/College diploma
4. Any additional academic achievements (certificates, diplomas, etc.)
5. Motivation letter explaining the reason for the transfer
6. English proficiency certificate
Certificates equivalent to the IELTS certificate IELTS 5,5 IELTS 6,0 IELTS 6,5 IELTS 7,0 IELTS 7,5 IELTS 8,0
TOEFL Ibt* 46 60 79 94 102 110
CEFR 51-55 56-60 61-64 65-68 69-72 73-75
English A at Higher or Standard Level in the International Baccalaureate Diploma 4 5 6 6 7 7
English B at Higher Level in the International Baccalaureate Diploma 4 5 6 7 7 7
English B at Standard Level in the International Baccalaureate Diploma 5 6 7 _ _ _
Cambridge C1 Advanced/C2 Proficiency/ B2 First 162 169 176 185 191 200
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Language 4 4 5 6 7 8
IGCSE English as a First Language D C C B B A
GCE A-Level/AS-Level/GCSE/ GCE O-Level English Language D C C B B A
IGCSE English as a Second Language D B B A A
Pearson test of English (PTE) – Academic 36 46 56 66 76 84

*We accept only the TOEFL iBT taken at approved test centers. We do not accept the TOEFL iBT Home Edition.

Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of their documents. Any false information or fraudulent documents will result in immediate disqualification from the transfer process.

Evaluation Process

The application review consists of three stages:

1. Initial Screening: Verification of minimum requirements and available seats.

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for transfer, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • •  Must have high school/Lyceum/College diploma
  • •  Must be enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program (full-time mode) at university
  • •  Must have completed at least one semester of the first year of university
  • •  Must apply for a related or equivalent study program
  • •  Must have a minimum 70% academic performance
  • •  No academic deficiencies (failed subjects)
  • •  Must demonstrate English proficiency at an upper-intermediate level
  • •  Curriculum differences in subjects should not exceed 30%

2. Interview: Applicants will be invited for an interview with the Admissions Committee, during which the following skills will be assessed:

  • •  Knowledge of their field of study (specialization);
  • •  Etiquette and moral conduct;
  • •  Communication skills;
  • •  Proactiveness, including involvement in volunteer activities and other engagements;
  • •  Quality of the motivation letter explaining the reasons for transferring studies.

3. Final Assessment: Applicants will be evaluated based on a points-based system.

Assessment Criteria

Criteria Score
IELTS score or Equivalent
5.5 – 6.0 or equivalent 3 points
6.5 – 8.0 or equivalent 4 points
Above 8.0 or equivalent 5 points
SAT Math Scores*
520 – 610 3 points
620 – 710 4 points
720 – 800 5 points
International AS & A Levels Mathematics Scores*
E and D 3 points
B and C 4 points
A and A* 5 points
Academic Performance at Current Institution
Satisfactory 3 points
Average 4 points
Excellent 5 points
Curriculum Difference**
25 – 30% 3 points
15 – 24% 4 points
0 – 14% 5 points
Interview Performance 0 – 5 points

* The certificate must have been obtained within the last five years.

** When a transfer student is admitted with differences in the subjects of their chosen program, they are considered academically deficient in those subjects. In this case, the resolution of academic deficiencies is carried out in accordance with the university’s internal regulations.

Selection and Admission

Admissions Process and Timeline

Stages Responsible Admissions Process Timeline
Stage 1 Applicant Submit an application for transfer of studies with the specified documents attached. For fall Semester: by July 30
For winter Semester: by December 12
Stage 2 Working group • Check that the applicant meets the minimum requirements.
• Form a list of applicants for transfer of studies.
• Within 3 working days after receipt of the application
• Within 1 working day after the application deadline
Stage 3 Admissions Committee Conduct an interview with applicants. Within 10 working days after the list of applicants for transfer is formed
Stage 4 Working group Forming an applicant ranking based on points and determining applicants recommended for transfer. Within 4 working days after the interviews
Stage 5 Working group Sending conditional offer letters to applicants recommended for transfer. Within 1 working day after the list of applicants recommended for transfer is formed
Stage 6 Applicant Pay 25% of the tuition fee amount for the relevant program. Within 10 working days after sending the conditional offer letter
Stage 7 Applicant Submit the original copies of the relevant documents. Upon request of the working group, but no later than 5 working days before the start of the new semester