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Effectiveness of Student Council activity of “New Uzbekistan” university

(1st semester of the academic year 2024/2025)

1st semester 2024/2025 2nd semester 2023/2024
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
1 The state of development of the list of actual issues developed - 1 Completed 1
not developed - -5
2 Quality of list of actual issues. - separate evaluation 0-5 In process
3 The state of development of manuals for the issues specified in the list of issues. ratio of manuals to issues, in percent 0<10 -2 In process
10<50 2
50<80 3
80<100 5
4 Quality of manuals on actual issues, including their effectiveness. - separate evaluation 0-5 In process
5 Effectiveness of the communication channel intended for students’ appeal. - separate evaluation 0-5 In process
6 Together with the responsible department, conducting surveys aimed at studying the problems of students and ensuring student participation in it. conducted - 2 Completed
not conducted - -2
as a percentage of the total number of students 0<10 -2 In process
10<30 0
30<50 1
50<60 2
60<80 3
80<100 5
7 Development and implementation of a plan of measures to eliminate problematic issues identified as a result of surveys. developed - 2 In process
not developed - -2
8 Holding the “Induction Week” program for newly admitted students. - separate evaluation 0-5 Completed
9 Organization of regular sports competitions at the University with the participation of teams. the number of sport types on which the competition was organized 0<1 0 In process
2<3 2
3<5 3
5< 5
the number of sports games organized in half a year period 0 -2 In process
5<10 0
10<24 1
24<48 3
48< 5
10 Organizing events such as visits by successful and famous sports stars. Number of events held in a half a year period 0 -2 In process
2<3 2
3<5 5
11 To ensure the active participation of the University national team in external sports events. half-yearly attended events 0 -2 In process
2<3 2
3<6 5
Date: Sport type Venue Expected number of students Number of students involved Invited sports stars Status (Indoor/Outdoor)
04.09.2024 Football Al-Khwarazmi School - - Outdoor
17.09.2024 Basketball Al-Khwarazmi School - - Indoor
23.09.2024 Volleyball Al-Khwarazmi School - - Indoor
19.10.2024 Table tennis University Gym - - Indoor
22.10.2024 Armwrestling University Gym - - Indoor
28.09.2024 Chess UCA hall, second floor - - Indoor
17.09.2024 Checkers UCA 2nd Hall - - Indoor
19.10.2024 Table Tennis University Gym - - Indoor
28.09.2024 Chess UCA 2nd Hall - - Indoor
16.09.2024 Checkers UCA 2nd Hall - - Indoor
17.10.2024 Table Tennis Dormitory grounds - - Indoor
07.09.2024 Chess UCA 2nd Hall - - Indoor
26.11.2024 Chess M.A.T.H 2nd floor - - Indoor
03.11.2024 Volleyball Dormitory grounds - - Outdoor
03.11.2024 Football Dormitory grounds - - Outdoor
12.11.2024 Football JAR Stadium - - Outdoor
06.11.2024 Volleyball Webster University 22 22 Indoor
07.11.2024 Volleyball BMU 17 17 Indoor
30.10.2024 Football JAR 22 22 Outdoor
07.11.2024 Football Westminster University 20 20 Indoor
13.11.2024 Westminster University 11 10 -
15.11.2024 Volleyball INHA University 18 17 Outdoor
14.11.2024 Football CAU stadium 22 22 Outdoor
29.11.2024 Football Bunyodkor stadium 18 18 Outdoor
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
12 Organization of teams in the direction of "QVZ". not established - -2 In process
established - 1
13 Attracting students to teams in the direction of "QVZ". as a percentage of the total number of students 5<10 1 In process
10<20 2
20< 5
14 Regular visits to concerts, theaters and museums. Events held in a half-year period 0 -2 In process
5<10 0
Date: Event type (QVZ/Theatre/concert/museum/other) Venue Expected number of students Number of students involved
21.08.2024 Park Mirzo Ulug’bek park 15 13
21.08.2024 Park Milliy Bog' 10 10
21.08.2024 Park Magic city 13 13
21.08.2024 Museum Islom Karimov muzeyi 18 17
21.08.2024 Other Eski shahar 10 10
21.08.2024 Museum Aloqa tarixi muzeyi 14 15
21.08.2024 Library Alisher Navoiy nomidagi kutubxona 9 10
21.08.2024 Museum Adiblar xiyoboni 8 8
21.08.2024 Museum Abdulla Qodiriy uy muzeyi 11 11
10.10.2024 Concert Xalqlar Do’stligi saroyi 13 11
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
15 Forming a list of projects and events carried out by student clubs developed - 2 In process
not developed - -2
16 Organization of book fairs. Events held in a half-year period 1 0 In process
2< 3
17 Status of implementation of projects and activities set by student clubs (2). the ratio of the number of projects and events shown in the list to the number of projects and events actually implemented, in percent 0<10 -2 In process
10<50 2
50<80 3
80<100 5
18 Participation of students in contests and competitions organized by the student club. the ratio of students who actually participated to the number of students who were expected to participate 10<20 0 In process
Date: Type of club Event name Expected number of students Number of students involved
19.08.2024 IGO Zakovat - -
21.08.2024 Debate Club Debates - -
21.08.2024 SC Jeopardy - -
01.03.2024 SC Independence Day Celebration 60 50
30.08.2024 Art Club Art Competition 24 24
14.09.2024 IGO Zakovat Quiz 100 110
16.09.2024 Art Club Art Workshop 15 13
16.09.2024 GDGSC Guest lecture: Road to Google with Azimjon Po’latov 170 160
19.09.2024 IGO Shaxsiy Oyin 20 25
21.09.2024 Travel Club So'qoq Trip 38 35
21.09.2024 Readers's Club Almond 35 35
27.09.2024 SC Club Fair 500 500
27.09.2024 Art Club Art Workshop 2 32 32
27.09.2024 Music Club TempoTitans Concert 200 200
28.09.2024 SC Feminine day - -
28.09.2024 Readers's Club White Nights 35 35
05.10.2024 IGO Zakovat League 40 65
20.05.2024 IGO Zakovat "Shaxsiy o'yin" League 20 23
20.05.2024 Readers's Club What Men Live By 35 35
11.10.2024 IGO Zakovat "Shaxsiy o'yin" League 18 20
12.10.2024 Readers's Club 12 Angry Men 35 35
18.10.2024 Dance club First Session! 6 6
19.10.2024 Readers's Club A Man Called Ove 35 35
23.10.2024 Board Games Club Board Games Club Meeting 9 8
26.10.2024 Fashion Club Embroidery bracelet-making master class 9 9
26.10.2024 Her Network Community Women Talk Anniversary 91 80
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
19 Large-scale involvement of students in spiritual and educational events in connection with the widely celebrated holiday in our country and the birthday of our great scholars. the ratio of students who actually participated to the number of students who were expected to participate 10<20 0 In process
20<30 1
30<70 2
70<100 5
Date: Event name Expected number of students Number of students involved
18.11.2024 State Flag Day & International Students’ Day Celebration 400 380
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
20 Publication of the University’s quarterly magazine for students. Not published - -2 In process
Published - 2
21 The quality of the university’s magazine for students. - Separate evaluation 0-5 In process
22 Activity of social media pages of the Council and its affiliated clubs aimed at regularly informing students about news. The ratio of the total number of students to the number of subscribers to the board page in percent (3) 40<60 2 In process
60<90 3
90< 5
The ratio of the number of subscribers to the number of viewers of posts on the Telegram page in percent (4) 20<40 -2 In process
40<60 1
60<90 2
90< 5
Amount of negative reactions (5) More than positive -2 In process
Less than positive 2
Date Type of social network (Telegram/Instagram/Discord) Post link Number of subscribers Number of views Number of negative reactions Number of positive reactions
16.12.2024 Telegram 1024 1417 9 32
04.12.2024 Telegram 1024 1199 27 37
15.11.2024 Telegram 1024 1128 0 10
09.11.2024 Telegram 1024 1269 8 11
30.10.2024 Telegram 1024 1481 0 4
27.09.2024 Telegram 1024 1136 0 14
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
23 Attracting students and pupils of other institutions to events organized during the university’s social life, including various competitions. the number of students and pupils of other institutions invited 50<100 2 In process
100<150 3
150<200 4
200< 5
24 Regularly organizing meetings of experts who have achieved great success in their activities with students. the number of semi-annual meetings 3<6 1 In process
6<8 2
8<12 3
12< 5
25 Involvement of students in meetings of experts who have achieved great success in their activities. In percentage of total students 10<20 2 In process
20<30 3
30<60 4
60<100 5
Date Event name Venue Number of students involved The number of invited guest Invited expert
28.08.2024 Guest Lecture by Ma’mura Yuldasheva MATH 306 12 - Ma’mura Yuldasheva
16.09.2024 Guest Lecture by Azimjon Pulatov UCA 2nd floor 151 - Azimjon Pulatov
14.09.2024 Guest Lecture by Asadullo G’aniyev MATH 205 25 - Asadullo G’aniyev
14.11.2024 Screening of "Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea" and Annie Liddell about Amu Darya UCA 2nd floor 15 - Annie Liddell
20.11.2024 Merit Chemicals Internship Program Presentation UCA 2nd floor 12 -
15.11.2024 Guest Lecture by Mahliyo To’raboyeva UCA 2nd floor 21 - Mahliyo To’raboyeva
22.10.2024 Guest Lecture by Miyrigul Urazimbetova UCA 215 16 - Miyrigul Urazimbetova
23.10.2024 Guest Lecture by Oxsana Budjko MATH 105 25 - Oxsana Budjko
25.09.2024 Memorandum Day Conference Hall - 70 8 Universities
16.09.2024 Guest Lecture by Azimjon Pulatov from Google UCA 2nd floor 100 80 Azimjon Pulatov
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
26 Maintaining a database of the most talented students among students. Not developed - -2 Completed
Developed - 2
27 Organization of additional educational clubs The number of regularly functioning clubs 2<3 2 In process
3<5 5
5<7 4
7< 5
28 Coverage of additional educational clubs Coverage of additional educational clubs 5<10 2 In process
10<15 3
15<20 4
25< 5
Date Club name Number of students involved
28.09.2024 Precalculus -
28.09.2024 Calculus 1 -
28.09.2024 Calculus 1 -
28.09.2024 Calculus 2 -
20.09.2024 Introduction to Programming -
03.10.2024 Introduction to Programming -
03.10.2024 Physics 1 -
04.10.2024 Calculus 1 -
05.10.2024 Calculus 1 -
04.10.2024 Linear Algebra -
04.10.2024 Introduction to Computer Science -
04.10.2024 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) -
05.10.2024 Calculus 2 -
05.10.2024 Introduction to Computer Science -
05.10.2024 Physics 2 -
Indicator name Unit of measure Indicator Amount of points Status Collected points
29 Execution status of documents directed for execution. Document status Failed -5
Completed overdue -2
Fully completed 2

Overall: -