Michelle Bedeker
Associate Professor/Head of Education Department
m.bedeker@newuu.uzOffice number:
Reception days:
Ph. D -2015
The University Of The Western Cape, Faculty Of Education
Language education and literacy studies
Masters In Education-2008
University of The Western Cape, Faculty of Education, Cape Town, South Africa
Language education and literacy studies: testing the waters: exploring genres in the English additional language classroom in a multilingual cape flats primary school (distinction)
Bachelor Of Education (Postgraduate)-2006
The University of The Western Cape, Faculty of Education, Cape Town, South Africa
Curriculum and pedagogy/comparative education/history and schooling/computers in education/metatheory/language education methods
Bachelor Of Education (Undergraduate)-2005
The University of The Western Cape, Faculty of Education, Cape Town, South Africa
Career History
Nazarbayev University: Graduate School of Education [2019- 2024]
Program Director: Multilingual Education
Fatima College Of Health Sciences [2017- 2019]
Academic Writing Coordinator
University of the Western Cape [2008- 2017]
Bachelor Of Education Lecturer, Faculty of Education
Pre-Service Education
Language and Literacy in STEM Education: Investigating the role of multilinguality and literacy in STEM teaching, focusing on how integrating language and literacy practices can empower future teachers and students in STEM disciplines.
Critical Postcolonial Approaches to Education: Exploring how postcolonial and critical applied linguistics frameworks can address local educational challenges, particularly how Western educational policies may marginalise local knowledge and how to reimagine inclusive education.
Interdisciplinarity in Teacher Education: Focusing on the integration of STEM-specific teaching methods with language and literacy education to promote inquiry-based learning, tackle classroom challenges, and advance educational technology use.
English (Preparatory Program)
English for Health Professionals I & II
Academic Writing I & II
Leadership & Administration
Coordinate Academic Writing I & II
Chairperson: First-Year Student Experience Committee
Curriculum and materials developer: First-Year Experience
Academic Writing Instructor Training
Methodologies of Teaching English Year 3 & 4
Adolescent Literature/ Media Studies
Foundations in Language Education
Theme-based English Teaching
SFL genre-based pedagogy
Critical Literacy/Academic Literacy
Designing Multilingual Language Intervention Plans (Reading, Writing)
Bedeker, M., Makoelle, T., & Syed, M. (Eds.) (2025). Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Bedeker, M. & Kerimkulova, S. (2025). From the Periphery to the Centre? Creating a Community of Practice to Scaffold Graduate Students' Scholarly Voices and Identities. In M. Bedeker, T. Makoelle, & M. Syed (Eds.). Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Zarykbay, S. & Bedeker, M. (2025). I steal time from my actual courses to teach academic stuff: Institutional AW Practices. In M. Bedeker, T. Makoelle, & M. Syed (Eds.). Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Zolasbekova, Z, & Bedeker, M (2025). “I only encountered Academic writing when I started to prepare for my IELTS exam”. Graduate students’ threshold crossing into academic writing. In M. Bedeker, T. Makoelle, & M. Syed (Eds.). Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Zakirova, Z. & Bedeker, M. (2025). AI as the emergence of new academic writing literacies: Kazakhstani student Perspectives on its affordances and challenges. In M. Bedeker, T. Makoelle, & M. Syed (Eds.). Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Apay, B. & Bedeker, M. (forthcoming, 2025). AI as New Literacy Practice: Reimagining University Education,
Critical thinking and academic writing in Kazakhstan. In M. Bedeker, T. Makoelle, & M. Syed (Eds.).
Exploring Academic Writing as Social Practice: Institutional Goals, Complexities and Possibilities in Central Asia. Palgrave McMillan.
Sadykova, A., Bedeker. M. & Tatyyeva, Z. (2025). The Obvious, but the Overlooked: Western Culture in English Academic Texts. In J. Tussey & L. Haas (Eds). Supporting Cultural and Linguistic Differences through Literacy Education. IGI Global.
Hwami, M. & Bedeker, M. (2025). Imagining representation and recognition of the ‘Other’ in international higher Education (IHE): Towards epistemic Justice. In the International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Social (In)Justice: A Critical Perspective, Springer.
Bedeker, M. & Kerimkulova, S. (2024). "My English seems not enough": Moving from Language Deficit Views to Kazakhstani Biology Teachers' Funds of Knowledge. Pedagogy, Culture, and Society. . (Q1)
Hwami, M. & Bedeker, M. (2024). Social stratifying Kazakhstan: A Bourdieusian social Reproduction Analysis of Higher education internationalisation. British Review of Education. (Q1)
Bedeker, M. & Kerimkulova, S. (2024). "I notice I'm getting more involved, interested, and excited about my future topic." Exploring Action Research to move from research steps to scholarly thinking. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (Q1)
Zarykbay, S. & Bedeker, M. (2024). "No one has ever instructed us how to do this": Graduate Students Threshold Crossing into Academic Writing at two EMI universities in Kazakhstan, In M. Hwami & T. Makoelle (Eds.), Internationalisation of Higher Education in Kazakhstan. Cambridge Scholars Publication.
Bedeker, M., Ospanbek, A., Simons, M., Zhalgaspayev, M. & Yessenbekova, A. (2023). "I can easily switch to the Kazakh language, also to the Russian language": Reimagining Kazakhstani CLIL implementation as a third space. Language, Culture, and Curriculum. (Q1)
Bedeker, M. (2023). COVID-19 resulted in classrooms without walls: What can pedagogical and content knowledge (PCK) offer? Journal of Educators Online (Special Issue, March 2023), Post-Pandemic. Teaching and Learning. https://www.thejeo.com/ (Q2)
Bedeker, M., & Gaye, A. (2023). Threshold crossing into an academic disciplinary voice in the UAE. In K. Jiang, J. Don & L. Buckingham (Eds.), EAP and growing interdisciplinary research: discourse, literacy, and pedagogy. Routledge.
Bedeker, M. (2023). L2 writing in the National Senior Certificate exam: A critical study of writing assessment in South Africa. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073614.2022.2151481. (Q2)
Bedeker, M., & Gaye, A. (2022). "How many words must we have?" Threshold crossing into an academic Disciplinary voice in the UAE. International Journal of English for Specific Purposes. https://connect.academics.education/index.php/ijesp/article/view/190/238.
Kerfoot, C. & Van Heerden (Bedeker), M. (2017). Don't bother; he cannot write. Language and Education. In C.
Kerfoot & A. Simon-Vandenbergen (Eds.), Language in epistemic access: Mobilising multilingualism and literacy development for more equitable education in South Africa. Taylor Francis.
Van Heerden (Bedeker), M. (2016). Exploring Habitus and Writer Identities: An Ethnographic study of Writer Identity Construction in the FET Phase at two Schools in the Western Cape. Multilingual dislocations: Special Issue Multilingual Margins, 2 (2).
Kerfoot, C. & Van Heerden (Bedeker), M. (2015). Don't bother; he can write. Language and Education, 29(3), 235–255. (Q1)
Van Heerden (Bedeker), M. (2015). Exploring Habitus and Writer Identities: An Ethnographic Study of Writer Identity Construction in the FET Phase at Two Schools in the Western Cape, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. University of the Western Cape: South Africa.
Van Heerden (Bedeker), M. (2008). Testing the waters: Exploring genres in the English Additional Language classroom in a multilingual Cape Flats primary school (Distinction), Master's Thesis. University of the Western Cape: South Africa.
Aypay, B. & Bedeker, M. (2024). EMI University Students’ Experiences with Using ChatGPT for Language and Literacy Practices: A Qualitative Study, Technology for Second Language Learning Conference (TSLL), Iowa State University, USA.
Bedeker, M. & Sadykova, A. Students’ Transition and Navigation of Language, Identity and Culture in Academic Texts: Exploring Systemic Functional Linguistics and Bourdieu, Education Impact Project, funded by the CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION AND TRANSFORMATION (CARCEIT)
Bedeker, M., Kerimkulova, S. & Jayachandran, A. (2024-In Progress). Principal Investigator From Thesis Writing to Publication: Developing the Next Generation of Kazakhstani Scholars.
Bedeker, M. (2021- 2023). Principal Investigator for the Nazarbayev University FDCRGP grant titled "A Transformative Approach to CLIL pedagogy in Kazakhstan: Investigating SFL Theory and STEM Teachers' metalinguistic knowledge."
Academic Excellence Certificate for Contribution to Kazakhstani Educational Reform, Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
● Bourdieu's sociology of education
Pearson International, USA Fellowship [2010- 2013]
USA Mellon Talent Fellowship, [2015]
Masters in English Linguistics:
● English as Newspaper Language/
● Language and Gender/Narrative Literature/Visual Ethnography