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Heiko Topol

Acting head of department, Associate Professor


Office number:


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    Academic Qualifications:

    2012, Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing., with distinction), RWTH Aachen University

    2007, Diploma (equivalent to a Master’s Degree), Ruhr University Bochum

    2005, Academic exchange (DAAD scholarship, one semester), Texas A&M University


    01/2024 - now : New Uzbekistan University, Associate Professor

    04/2022 - 12/2023: RWTH Aachen University, Institute of General Mechanics, Group Leader Biomechanics

    04/2021 - 04/2022: RWTH Aachen University, Institute of General Mechanics, Research and Teaching Associate

    09/2020 - 12/2020: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences

    04/2017 - 08/2020: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Postdoctoral Research Associate

    02/2016 - 02/2017: Qatar University, Center for Advanced Materials, Assistant Research Professor

    01/2013 - 08/2015: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Postdoctoral Research Associate

    04/2012 - 05/2012: Beijing Jiaotong University, Assistant Lecturer “Mechanics of Materials”

    05/2007 - 12/2012: RWTH Aachen University, Research Associate & Assistant Lecturer

    11/2003 - 01/2007: Ruhr University Bochum, Student Research & Teaching Assistant

    Biomechanics & Mechanobiology

    Continuum Mechanics

    Composite Mechanics

    Wave Propagation

    Biomechanics and Mechanobiology for soft biological tissues (RWTH Aachen University (41.55730/41.55731 ))

    Basics of the Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System (RWTH Aachen University (41.17507))

    Differential and integral calculus (Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (21-120))

    Engineering Mechanics 1 - Statics (Ruhr University Bochum, RWTH Aachen University)

    Engineering Mechanics 2 - Mechanics of Materials (Ruhr University Bochum, RWTH Aachen University, New Uzbekistan University (MENG301))

    Engineering Mechanics 3 - Dynamics (Ruhr University Bochum, RWTH Aachen University)

    Machine Elements (New Uzbekistan University (MENG341))

    Multivariate Analysis  (Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (21-120))

    Seminar Biomechanics (RWTH Aachen University (41.46922))

    H. Topol, A. Font, A. Melnikov, J. Lacalle, M. Stoffel, and J. Merodio: On the Inflation, Bulging/Necking Bifurcation and Post-Bifurcation of a Cylindrical Membrane under Limited Extensibility of Its Constituents, Math. Mech. Solids (2024)

    H. Topol, H. Nazari, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, J. Lacalle, J. Merodio: Instabilities of an inflated and extended doubly fiber-reinforced cylindrical membrane under damage processes and different natural configurations of its constituents with application to abnormal artery dilation, Thin-Walled Struct. 197: 111562 (2024).

    S. Moradalizadeh, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, A. Melnokov, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Remarks on bifurcation of an inflated and extended swellable isotropic tube, Math. Mech. Solids 29:474-493 (2024).

    K. Brenzel, L Johnen, M. Praster, N. Blomeyer, A. Weiler, C. Brandl, H. Topol, M. Stoffel, and B. Markert: In vitro study design derived from an in vivo lifting task, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202300208 (2023). 

    H. Asghari, H. Topol, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Application of the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity testing (FAST) method to inflated, axial stretched, and residually stressed cylinders, Appl. Math. Mech. - Engl. Ed. 44: 2139-2162 (2023).

    H. Topol, B. Markert, M. Stoffel, and T. J. Pence: Modeling of Mechanosensitive Remodeling Processes in Collagen Fibers, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202300007 (2023).

    S. Moradalizadeh, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, A. Melnokov, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Remarks on bifurcation of an inflated and extended swellable isotropic tube, Math. Mech. Solids (2023) (first published online October 9, 2023).

    H. Topol, H. Asghari, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Post-bifurcation of Inflated Fibrous Cylindrical Membranes under Different Fiber Configurations, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 101: 105065 (2023).

    H. Asghari, H. Topol, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Application of Sensitivity Analysis in Extension, Inflation, and Torsion of Residually Stressed Circular Cylindrical Tubes, Probab. Eng. Mech. 73: 103469 (2023). 

    K. Brenzel, N. Blomeyer, L. Johnen, M. Praster, M. Röhrig, H. Topol, C. Brandl, B. Markert, and M. Stoffel: Extension of an In Vitro Spine Test Rig to Track Load-dependent Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine under Physiological Conditions, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202200078 (2023).

    R. Salazar Ortiz, G. Dursun, H. Topol, B. Markert, and M. Stoffel: Migration and remodeling in cartilage replacement materials – an in-vitro bioreactor study, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202200310 (2023).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, J. Merodio: Bifurcation of fiber reinforced inflated membranes with different natural configurations of the constituents, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 22: e202200004 (2023).

    N. K. Jha, S. Moradalizadeh, J. Reinoso, H. Topol, and J. Merodio: On the helical buckling of anisotropic tubes with application to arteries, Mech. Res. Commun. 128: 104067 (2023).

    H. Topol, M. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Demirkoparan, J. Merodio: Bifurcation of Fiber-Reinforced Cylindrical Membranes under Extension, Inflation, and Swelling, J. Appl. Comput. Mech. 9: 113-128 (2023).

    M. J. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and J. Merodio: On Prismatic and Bending Bifurcations of Fiber Reinforced Elastic Membranes under Swelling with Application to Aortic Aneurysms, Math. Mech. Solids 28: 108 - 123 (2023).

    H. Topol, N. K. Jha, H. Demirkoparan, M. Stoffel, J. Merodio: Bulging of inflated membranes made of fiber reinforced materials with different natural configurations, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 96: 104670 (2022).

    I. V. Andrianov and H. Topol: Compatibility conditions: number of independent equations and boundary conditions (book chapter). I. Andrianov, S. Gluzman, and V. Mityushev (Editors): Mechanics and Physics of Structured Media - Asymptotic and Integral Equations Methods of Leonid Filshtinsky, 123-140 (Academic Press, 2022).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence:  Fibrillar Collagen: A Review of the Mechanical Modeling of Strain Mediated Enzymatic Turnover, Appl. Mech. Rev. 73: 050802 (2021).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence:  Modeling Stretch-Dependent Collagen Fiber Density,  Mech. Res. Commun. 116: 103740 (2021).

    H. Topol, M. J. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Demirkoparan, and J. Merodio: Bulging initiation and propagation in fiber reinforced swellable Mooney-Rivlin membranes, J. Eng. Math. 128: 8 (2021).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence: On Collagen Fiber Morphoelasticity and Homeostatic Remodeling Tone,  J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 113: 104154 (2021).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, and H. Topol:  Local stress distribution in composites for pulled-out fibers with axially varying bonding,  Acta Mech. 231: 2065-2083 (2020).

    K. Gou, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence:  Stress-swelling finite element modeling of cervical response with homeostatic collagen fiber distributions,  J. Biomech. Eng. - Trans. ASME 142: 081002 (2020).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence: Morphoelastic fiber remodeling in pressurized thick-walled cylinders with application to soft tissue collagenous tubes, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 77: 103800 (2019).

    H. Topol, K. Gou, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence:  Hyperelastic modeling of the combined effects of tissue swelling and deformation-related collagen renewal in fibrous soft tissue, Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 17:1543-1567 (2018).

    V. Zamani, T. J. Pence, H. Demirkoparan, and H. Topol: Hyperelastic Models for the Swelling of Soft Material Plugs in Confined Spaces, Int. J. Nonlin. Mech. 106: 297-309 (2018).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, H. Topol, and A. S. Luyt: Shear wave propagation in layered composites with degraded matrices at locations of imperfect bonding, Wave Motion 78: 9-31 (2018).

    I. V. Andrianov, H. Topol, and V. V. Danishevskyy: Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in composite materials with nonlinear thermal properties, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 111: 736-754 (2017).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman, Time-Evolving Collagen-Like Structural Fibers in Soft Tissues: Biaxial Loading and Spherical Inflation, Mech. Time-Depend. Mat. 21: 1-29 (2017).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, H. Topol, and G. A. Rogerson: Propagation of Floquet-Bloch shear waves in viscoelastic composites: analysis and comparison of interface/interphase models for imperfect bonding, Acta Mech. 228: 1177-1196 (2017).

    H. Topol and H. Demirkoparan: Evolution of mechanical properties in tissues undergoing deformation-related fiber remodeling processes, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15: 113-114 (2015).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman: Uniaxial load analysis under stretch-dependent fiber remodeling applicable to collagenous tissue, J. Eng. Math. 95: 325-345 (2015).

    H. Topol and H. Demirkoparan: Evolution of the fiber density in biological tissues, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14: 103-104 (2014).

    H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman, A theory for deformation dependent evolution of continuous fiber distribution applicable to biological tissue remodeling, IMA J. Appl. Math. 79: 947-977 (2014).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. I. Bolshakov, Y. Kirichek, and H. Topol: Periodical solutions of certain strongly nonlinear wave equations, AIP Conf. Proc. 1389: 442-44 (2011).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol and D. Weichert: Nonlinear elastic waves in a 1D layered composite material: some numerical results, AIP Conf. Proc. 1389: 438-441 (2011).

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Homogenization of a 1D nonlinear dynamical problem for periodic composites, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Meth. 91: 523-534 (2011).

    I. V. Andrianov and H. Topol: Asymptotic analysis and synthesis in mechanics of solids and nonlinear dynamics

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Nonlinear dynamic properties of layered composite material, AIP Conf. Proc. 1281: 821-824 (2010).

    I. V Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, A. I. Ryzhkov, and H. Topol: Nonlinear elastic waves and dynamic properties of layered composite material, Advanced Problems in Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media and Thin-Walled Structures, pp. 19-38 (28-30 June 2010, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine), Editors: V.I. Bolshakov and D. Weichert.

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, and H. Topol: Asymptotic homogenization for periodic composite materials with imperfect bonding conditions, Advanced Problems in Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media and Thin-Walled Structures, pp. 39-46 (28-30 June 2010, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine), Editors: V.I. Bolshakov and D. Weichert.

    I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Shear wave dispersion in viscoelastic composite with elastic parallelepiped inclusions, AIP Conf. Proc. 1168: 848-851 (2009).

    I. V. Andrianov, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Load transfer in fibre-reinforced composites with viscoelastic matrix: an analytical study, Arch. Appl. Mech. 79: 999-1007 (2009).

    German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under Grant 01EC1905B (workHEALTH). PI: Marcus Stoffel et al.

    Research on composites (QUUG-CAM-CAM-15/16-3)

    Project title: “New mathematical models for the large strain swelling response of biological tissues: applications to edema, inflammation, and pregnancy” (QNRF NPRP 8-2424-1-477). PIs: Thomas J. Pence, Hasan Demirkoparan

    Project title: “New mathematical models for the large strain swelling response of biological tissues” (QNRF NPRP 4-1138-1-178). PIs: Thomas J. Pence, Hasan Demirkoparan

    Borchers Badge of the ”Freunde und Förderer der RWTH Aachen e. V.” foundation (awarded for passing the doctoral examination “with distinction”)

    DAAD/German Academic Exchange Service scholarship to study at Texas A&M University (USA)