Gonçalo Pinto
Acting head of Centre for Academic Development, Associate Professor
g.pinto@newuu.uzOffice number:
Reception days:
Associate Professor
New Uzbekistan University
September 2023
Assistant Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Teaching Fellow
Nazarbayev University
Assistant Professor
College of the Bahamas
Associate Professor
Instituto Piaget
Associate Professor
Universidade Atlântica
Associate Professor
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Trainee Assistant
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Ordered Semigroups. Algebraic Semigroups
Several Mathematical Courses in the areas of Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, Probability Theory, Statistics, Linear Programming, Graph Theory, both to Mathematics Degree Plan Students and many other different fields of knowledge: Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Management, Accounting, Computing, Biology, Education, Marketing, Tourism, Psychology.
Coordinator of a Master Degree Program in Mathematics, including lecturing courses on Geometric Models, Complements of Theoretical Mathematics and Discrete Mathematics. Supervisor of 10 Master Thesis in Mathematics.
On Ordered Regular Semigroups with a Zero Element, Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research 7 (2022), 165-178.
Ordered Regular Pointed Semigroups with Biggest Associates, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 11(1), (2022), 270-279.
Boolean Zero Square (BZS) Semigroups, SQU Journal for Science, 26(1), 2021, 31-29.
Eventually Pointed Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups, SQU Journal for Science, 24(2), 2019, 139-146.
(with T. S. Blyth) Pointed Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups, Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications Vol.36, (2016) 101-111.
Primitivas e Integrais – Exercícios Resolvidos, Edições Sílabo, 2014 (2nd edition).
(with T. S. Blyth) Residuated Completely Simple Semigroups, Algebra Colloquium Vol. 21, (2014), 181-194.
(with T. S. Blyth) Eventually Regular Dubreil-Jacotin Semigroups, Semigroup Forum Vol. 69, (2004), 431-440.
(with T. S. Blyth) On Idempotent-generated Subsemigroups of Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups, Semigroup Forum Vol.68, (2004) 47-58.
(with Adelaide Carreira et al) Cálculo da Probabilidade, Editorial Piaget, 2002
(with T. S. Blyth) On Ordered Completely Simple Semigroups, Communications in Algebra Vol. 29(8) (2001), 3477-3494.
(with Adelaide Carreira et al) Ca´lculo Matricial, Vol. III - Aplicações, 1999, Editorial Piaget.
(with Adelaide Carreira) Cálculo Matricial, Vol. I – Teoria Elementar, 1999, Editorial Piaget.
(with T. S. Blyth) Ordered regular semigroups with biggest inverses, Semigroup Forum Vol.54, (1997), 154-165.
(with A. Monteiro) Problemas e Exercícios de Álgebra Linear e Geometria Anaíıtica, 1997, McGraw Hill.
Semigrupos Regulares Principalmente Ordenados. O boxing ring e o bootlace – Actas do Encontro Nacional de Algebristas, Universidade de Coimbra, 1993, 131-139.
(with T. S. Blyth) Residuated regular semigroups, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Vol. 35, 1992, 501-509.
(with T. S. Blyth) Idempotents in principally ordered regular semigroups, Communications in Algebra Vol. 19(5), 1991, 1549-1563.
(with T. S. Blyth) Principally ordered regular semigroups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal Vol. 32, 1990, 349-364.
Lecture on “The Third International Conference onMathematics and Statistics”, Sharhaj, United Arab Emirates, under the title “Eventually Pointed Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups”, 6-9 Feb 2020.
Lecture on “97th Workshop on General Algebra, AAA97”, TU Wien, under the title “Pointed Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups”, 1-3 Mar 2019.
Lecture on “Algebra, Geometry and more...”, Sultan Qaboos University, under the title “An Overview on Ordered Regular Semigroups”, 13 Nov 2017.
Lecture on “Nineteenth NBSAN (North British Semigroups Applications Network) meeting”, University of York, under the title “Residuated Completely Simple Semigroups”, 14 Jan 2015.
Lecture on “Colloquium on Semigroups”, Universidade de Szeged (Hungary), under the title: ”Boot-lace Orders and Completely Simple Semigroups”, 12-25 Jul 1993.
Lecture on “Encontro Nacional de Algebristas”, Faculdade de Cieˆncias e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, under the title: “Semigrupos Regulares Principalmente Ordenados. O boxing ring e o bootlace”, 15-16 Apr 1993.
Lecture on “Semina´rio de Mestrado em Matemática”, Faculdade de Cieˆncias da Universidade de Lisboa, under the title: “Idempotentes em Semigrupos Regulares Principalmente Ordenados”, 17 Dec 1990.
Lecture on “Mathematics Department”, St. Andrews University, under the title: Principally Ordered Regular Semigroups”, 7 Dec 1989.
Lecture on “Centro de Álgebra”, Universidade de Lisboa, under the title: “Semigrupos Regulares Principalmente Ordenados”.
Lecture on “Jornada de Álgebra”, Faculdade de Cieˆncias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the title “Perfect Dubreil-Jacotin Semigroups and Principally Ordered Semigroups”, 11 May 1989.